Kyle Passen was born in Albuquerque, NM in 1988. Between the time he was born and the time he turned seven, he moved with his family to Maryland (where his younger brother, the artist and musician Galen Passen, was born), then Kansas, then Upstate New York, where he graduated from high school and moved to Boston to attend Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MassArt). After earning a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts in Printmaking in 2010, he continued to move around the country, living in Providence, RI, Portland, OR, and finally Northampton, MA where he currently resides.

Kyle’s artwork is deeply based in introspection, heart, and emotional landscapes, and generally manifests in intricately detailed line work and forms. Sometimes his work is representative, sometimes abstract or geometric, almost always surreal. Through the process of making art, Kyle engages with his own felt-responses to the challenges that life brings. The practice of creating intricate carvings and drawings helps Kyle to slow down and provides time and space for presence and reflection.